Nafed-NCCF to guard price-line of onions: Paswan
With a view to offering relief to consumers, cooperatives like Nafed and NCCF are selling onion from the buffer stock ...
With a view to offering relief to consumers, cooperatives like Nafed and NCCF are selling onion from the buffer stock ...
It can safely be called the top cooperative news of the year-the story of NAFED making a turnaround and earning ...
A surprise felicitation awaited Biscomaun’s newly elected Chairman Sunil Singh when he came to attend NAFED board meeting in Delhi ...
As predicted earlier in these columns, Bijendra Singh was elected unopposed as the Chairman of Nafed and Sunil Kumar Singh ...
Indian Cooperative yet again proved prophetic when it said in these columns earlier there would be no voting and all ...
While the final list of candidates after scrutiny in the Nafed elections was made public Tuesday evening, indications are that ...
The elections of Nafed, which has bounced back practically from death bed promise to be interesting. While V R Boda, ...
The largest agri-cooperative federation NAFED is going to elect new board on 23rd May. The elections would take place at ...
Despite the country being oversupplied with pulses, Foreign Trade authorities have issued recently a circular inviting applications for import licences ...
The NAFED, which has seen a turnaround in the recent times is geared up to begin procuring this rabi season. ...
Despite the postponement of the crucial meeting called to discuss the draft of amendments in the MSCS Act 2002, cooperators ...
The Leadership Development Training Programme for Chairman and Directors of Marketing cooperatives consisting of 59 participants from the states of ...
Veteran cooperator from Madhya Pradesh Bhagwati Prasad Mishra, who was on the Board of several co-op federations including NCUI, NAFCUB ...
As in the past, once again agri co-op Nafed has moved forward to help the govt check spiraling onion prices ...
Lack of shrinking infrastructure coupled with increasing assignments from co-op organizations to recruit skilled-hands for them, have forced the Pune ...