Vamnicom: Satyanarayan to officiate

The President of NCUI Dr Chandra Pal Singh Yadav has made the Chief Executive In-charge of the apex body Mr N Satyanarayan as the officiating Director of NCUI’s premier institute Vamnicom in the wake of Sanjib Patjoshi joining as Joint Secretary in the Panchayati Raj Ministry in Delhi.

Satyanarayan joined his new assignment on 6th June though the letter from the President was signed on 3rd June only. “It was weekend and thus I joined on 6th “he said talking to Indian Cooperative. Later Indian Cooperative learnt that there was resistance at Vamnicom to accept Satyanarayan and it was only on 10th June that his officiating status was accepted.

‘There are vested interests and we need to clear the mess as soon as possible”, Satyanarayan conceded.

Talking of the challenges ahead he said the whole atmosphere of Vamnicom has become terror-stricken and his first job is to create an academic atmosphere where people can work without fear. He also referred to the termination of Prof P Chattopadhayay and show cause notices issued to several faculty members by the former Director to underline his concern.

“I do not know much and would be able to tell you more when I visit Vamnicom later this week. As of now I do not know if Chattopadhyay is coming to office or not. Some say he does; some say he does not”, he averred.

On Patjoshi Satyanarayan said “I do not know much but this much is sure that he was not able to build relationshipPatjoshi with staff members -a must for the smooth functioning of any institute; people complain of his bossy style but I do not have any personal experience”.

Soon after the defamation case of Chattopadhyay against Patjoshi was quashed by the Pune court the latter terminated the former from the job. In a text message sent to Indian Cooperative Patjoshi wrote “On 19-April-2016 Pune Higher District court has quashed and cancelled defamation case of P Chatopadhaya . P Chatopadhaya has been terminated from service from Vamnicom by Director Vamnicom vide order DT 17-5-2016.”

Talking of other challenges staring him in the face at Vamnicom, Satyanarayan referred to paucity of staff. Several agencies have accredited it but we are short of staff as about five per cent of them have been transferred out; we need to do something urgently on this front, he said.



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