RICM,Chandigarh trains trainers

Regional Institute of Cooperative Management(RICM), Chandigarh organized a five days programme for Cooperative education instructors and officials of cooperative department of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu Kashmir and Haryana states who are imparting cooperative education and training to the people involved in cooperative movement.

In this programme trainees were reached with the latest techniques to conduct cooperative education and training programmes. Dr. S.K Verma, faculty member of this institute delivered lectures on to analyzing entry behavior of trainees and their expectation from the object of the course. He also told about to prepare study material, conducting field and study visits.

Mandeep Walia, faculty member in her teaching told about the good qualities of the trainer and gave the tips of management to organize seminars, conferences and workshops.

Tarun Banerjee, Soft Skill Trainer explained about the evaluation of training, exploring learning and creative styles and systematic approach to training.In addition to it guest faculties from Punjab University, Chandigarh and PICT also delivered their presentations in this programme.

At the valedictory function of this programme Deepak Nagar, Director in charge of the Institute welcomed Chief guest Dr.Dinesh, Director General of NCCT and Chief Executive of National Cooperative union of India , New Delhi and guest of honor Rajinder Sharma, Chairman of this Institute.

Rajinder Sharma, in his address emphasized the need for such refresher courses for trainers so that they could know the latest techniques and know the latest developments in cooperative movement. He said that in changing scenario of world economy cooperatives could prove the best players for viability and stability. He expressed his gratitude to the chief guest Dr. Dinesh Mishra, to grace this occasion.

Chief guest of this function Dr. Dinesh Mishra ,Director General of NCCT and Chief Executive of National Cooperative union of India , New Delhi in his address said that these types of training brings professionalism in cooperatives. He told that efforts are under way to accredit the Higher Diploma in Cooperative Management (HDCM) by IGNOU which will enhance the future prospectus of this diploma. Presently this diploma is conducted by NCCT.

Dr Dinesh mentioned that cooperative is meant for those people who had spirit to serve the society with passion and not for mere monetary gains. He cited the example of U.S.A where 95% of electricity generation and distribution is done by cooperatives. He told that our country had two percent of land share of world and 17% of total population of the world which is alarming. To coup this in future the joint farming concept under cooperatives could contribute to the growth of country.

He mentioned that earning reasonable profit is not a dirty word in cooperatives as every success business require for its sustenance. So cooperatives should run professionally to make them economically viable. He impressed upon the trainees to implement the learning in their functioning for improving the image of cooperatives through their success stories.

S.K Verma senior faculty of this Institute presented vote of thanks and briefed the activities of Institute wherein prestigious name and fame is earned by its performance.


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