NCUI: Cooperators beat a retreat

ncuiThe Governing Council of apex cooperative body NCUI that met on Thursday in N Delhi to thrash out a solution arising out of Mohan Mishra issue, turned a damp squib soon after it sat.

Cooperators were not in mood to pick up issue with the Union Minister Radha Mohan Singh. The tone was set by Ashok Dabas who said there is no point escalating the issue. It is my government and I cannot go against its wishes, he told Indian Cooperative soon after the meeting.

There were murmurs of dissent as well but they were so weak that it led to no results, said one of GC members on condition of anonymity. Mudit Verma and Nafed Chairman Bijender Singh were somewhat skeptical. They said that if the govt has requested to allow Mishra to continue let it be so. But we should start the process of selecting a new Secretary for NCCT as Mishra’s term would end after a year.

The Union Ministry has requested NCUI to allow Mishra to complete his term. Mishra has been sent on deputation to NCCT for three years in which he is said to have completed close to two years. Leaders convinced themselves to tolerate him for another six months as next six month would pass in selecting a new candidate.

While Sunil Singh, Biscomaun Chairman tried to play peace-broker, NCUI President Chandra Pal Singh remained impassive and heard out arguments patiently.              NCUI

An embarrassed leadership tried to dismiss it on two counts. Some of them said it is a minor administrative issue in which we should not get involved even though they knew in the heart of their hearts that it amounts to surrender to a junior staff.

Secondly, some of the cooperators tried to downplay it by calling it an issue between Mohan Mishra and the Chief Executive. Cooperators conveniently believed it is Dr Dinesh’s call and not theirs. A spurious email insinuating Dr Dinesh which is in circulation, has further vitiated the atmosphere.

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