ICM in Kerala : Minister inaugurates workshop

NCCT 4 The Union Minister of State for Agriculture, Mohanbhai Kundariya inaugurated a workshop on Cooperative Education and Training by the ICM, Thiruvananthapuram on Friday. The workshop aimed at instilling the Principals of Cooperative in Junior Cooperative Training Centers.

K.Sivadasan Nair who is the Chairman of the Institute of Cooperative Management, Thiruvananthapuram, presided over the function. NCCT Secretary Mohan Mishra traveled all the way from Delhi to take part in the function. It was attended by several dignitaries from various cooperative organizations and the department.

In his welcome address, Mohan Kumar Mishra emphasize the need for govt support  for the  Cooperative sector with a special request for strengthening the Junior Cooperative Training Centers. K.Sivadasan Nair who also happens to be the Vice Chairman of NCUI, highlighted the need to instill true values of cooperatives to face future challenges.

In his speech the Minister Mohanbhai Kundariya named Gujarat and Kerala as model states to be followed so far as cooperative movement is concerned. They could achieve outstanding growth through cooperatives. The models developed by these states should be replicated in other states. Kundaririya added that Kerala and Gujarat should come together to create a synergy for the benefit of other states in the country.NCCT 2

“The present day co-operatives need professionals with right attitude for growth. It is also to be noted that co-operatives have to adopt the suitable strategy for the current decade on the lines suggested by the International Co-operative Alliance. We should focus on our strategies which include attention on factors like Capital , Sustainability  ,Legal  framework, Participation and Identity”, the Minister added.

Among the different organizations, Junior Co-operative Training Centers shall have to be strengthened because they work with cooperators at the grass root level.  The Minister assured that the Ministry will extend full support to co-operative training and education in the days to come. The Ministry is committed to resolve all the problems encountered in professionalizing the co-operative movement.

The Minister appreciated the efforts of ICM, Thiruvananthapuram  in  creating a Biodiversity Club by  the youth , as a commitment towards  the green movement and Swatch Bharath. He also planted saplings of trees and released fishes into the pond on this occasion.



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