Indian Cooperative wows Minister with its popularity!

On the occasion of the Cooperative Week the cooperative news portals Indian Cooperative and Bharatiya Sahkarita had a stall displaying its published stories at the NCUI campus in Delhi on Saturday. These are the only news portals on the cooperative sector not only in India but also in the world.

In its neighbourhood were KRIBHCO, IFFCO and Trifed –all displaying their products to the visiting guests at the cooperative exhibition organized by the apex body NCUI. Visitors could be seen pausing at the Indian Cooperative stall finding news items connected to their areas of activity with great interest.

Stories gleaned from all sectors-from NCUI to IFFCO , Kribhco, Fishcopfed , the dairy sector, sugar co-ops and Urban cooperative Banks were pasted all over the place.

The visiting minister Mohan Bhai Kundariya was himself pleasantly shocked to know that more than a lakh people visited this site daily. Daily-you mean daily one lakh! -he wondered aloud.

Editor of the portal Ajay Jha told the Minister that the aim of the co-op news portal is to strengthen the cooperative movement in the country. It acts as a platform for cooperators from across the globe as it is through this site that they express themselves since the mainstream media having little interest in development news.

But we also do not shrink from pointing out any malpractice should they come to our notice, added Jha.

NCUI President Chandra Pal Singh Yadav who accompanied the Minister also spoke words of appreciation for the job being done by the cooperative portal.

“The first thing we do after waking up in the morning is to click to Indian Cooperative to keep ourselves abreast of the news from the cooperative sector, said a visiting cooperator encouraging the team for their hard labour. “ I click on as soon as I reach office”, said another visitor employed in NCUI.

NCUI Vice-Chairman G H Amin also congratulated the portal for the fastest delivery of co-operative news here. We were surprised in the case of Monique Leroux election; Indian Cooperative reporting about it even faster than the ICA.


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