ICM Chandigarh conducts Training session

Three days leadership training programme for cooperators of Himachal Pradesh was organized at Regional Institute of Cooperative Management (RICM) at Chandigarh under the guidelines of NCUI.

A press release from the Institute said that several cooperators of prominent cooperative intuitions including PACS participated in the function.

Rajinder Sharma, Chairman of Regional Institute of Cooperative Management, Chandigarh inaugurated this programme and laid emphasis on the role and responsibilities of elected management in the cooperative institutions.

He said that professionalism in decisions of elected management could play a significant role for progress and development of institution. Management should sense their responsibilities and create a climate for the good governess.

R.K. Sharma, Director of RICM, Chandigarh briefed the activities of this Institute for the training and cooperative education imparted to the functionaries of cooperative movement The main object of our organization to elite awareness among people about cooperative movement and its concepts.

R.N.Arora, Deputy Registrar Cooperative Societies (Rtd.) discussed and delivered his lecture on the topic of “Role and Responsibilities of Board of Directors” of cooperative institutions. He told that trust of shareholders and beneficiaries are to be ensured. The transparency of functioning of management with their fair role towards their responsibilities strengthens their image building of institution. Participants shared their experiences also.

B.D.Yadav, faculty member of the Institute addressed on the topic of “Cooperative Values and 97th.Consitutional Amendment.”He said that the constitutional amendment would definitely fill the gaps for the development of cooperative movement. The degradation in the values of the movement could also be recovered with the legal support.

J.P.Naryana, Additional Registrar Cooperative Societies (Rtd.) discussed on the topic of “Need for the good governess” in the cooperative institutions. He told that cooperatives are to be treated as enterprises and should work as a business organization.

Ms. Mandeep Walia, faculty member threw light on the” Leadership Qualities and skills” in cooperatives. She explained how the good leadership brings positive change in the working culture. The motivation of leadership builds self confidence and faith in the workers.


In this programme various topics were discussed with the exchange of experiences and views of participant’s cooperators. In the concluded session participants expressed their gratitude for organizing this programme in a befitted manner and hope to organize such programme for the betterment of cooperative movement in future also.


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