Condolence massages for Kalam keep pouring

Condolences for the giant of a man Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam kept pouring at the desk of Indian Cooperative throughout the Tuesday. The first to phone was Dr Chandra Pal Singh Yadav, President of NCUI. Later  Shri Ananth Kumar, Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers and Shri Hansraj Gangaram Ahir, Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers sent their condolence massages.

Remembering the late President Chandra Pal said that the loss of a personality like Kalam cannot be repaired easily. He was a Scientist, academician and a top-notch leader whom India would find hard to forget. His selflessness and generosity would be remembered by the posterity, added NCUI President.

I offer my heart-felt condolences and mourn at his demise, he concluded.

Shri Ananth Kumar, Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers has expressed his sorrow over the sudden demise of Dr.IndiaTv8b4bf3_ananth-kumar A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, former President of India.

“With the passing away of Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam, India has lost a great visionary who ignited minds with his great intellect and also had the utmost compassion for and touched every Indian alike, young and old, rich and poor, haves and have-nots. He was the ideal President, Scientist and Thinker.

He was very dear to every Indian’s heart, and it is a great personal loss for me as I had the honour and good fortune to spend many inspiring moments with him. Every interaction with him left me in awe of this extraordinary man.

I pray to the Almighty to bestow peace to this great soul Dr. Kalam, who has left a void in every Indian’s life.”

Shri Hansraj Gangaram AhirMinister of State for Chemicals and FertilizersShri Hansraj Gangaram Ahir, Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers has expressed his sorrow over the sudden demise of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, former President of India.

“I am deeply saddened by the news of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalamji’s death. I was personally impressed with the personality of Dr. Kalam Ji. He had visited my Parliamentary Constituency Chandrapur (Maharashtra) in the month of February, 2014 and with his cordial behavior he found place in the hearts of the people and students of that area.

As a Scientist, he made all out efforts to make our Country a Super Power in the field of nuclear weapon programme and thus, he is known as Missile Man of India. In the year 1998, Pokharan Nuclear Weapon Test was successfully conducted under his active leadership.

I offer my deepest condolence. I will forever keep his memory in my mind and heart.”

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