Registration of multi-state co-op made easy

shastri bhavan

NDA government has decided to make things transparent. In a latest move the Union Minister of Agriculture and Co-operation Mr Radha Mohan Singh said that information regarding the multi-state cooperative societies would be available to one and all.

Shri Singh said that Government has started giving information online regarding the registration of Multi State Cooperative Committees. There had always been opaqueness regarding this in the past. Approaching Central registrar , say for a cooperative operating in Kerala, was always a difficult proposition.

Indian Cooperative query section had been flooded in the past with question of how to open a multi-state cooperative society. Our expert Mr I C Naik has had hard time repeating his answer more than once.

Central Registrar office located in the Shastri Bhavan in Delhi has always been a difficult office to penetrate. There was none to answer your query. If you persisted with the same there would be scorn and non-cooperation.

It is hoped that the new arrangement, where one can find out details of registering a multi-state cooperative society online would go a long way in dispelling the confusion prevailing on the issue.

It assumes added significance in the backdrop of 97th Constitutional amendment which raised the issue of forming cooperative as one’s fundamental right.

Hopefully, this would change with the latest arrangement. Babus have begun to come on time and a shift in their attitude is taking place slow but sure.

In this information age it is indeed a welcome move. It is obvious that computer savvy Prime Minister is working hard to make his Ministers realize the power of internet.

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