AGM: Kushalkar vows to turn around NLCF

Monday saw Annual General Meetings of two national cooperative federations in New Delhi. In the Sarita Vihar area of the town National Labour Cooperative Federation (NLCF) held its AGM where the Chairman Sanjiv R Kushalkar of a beleaguered Federation announced restricting the losses to Rs 5-6 lakhs level.

Run on government grant, NLCF has had hard time paying salaries to its staff in the past. But the construction of two floors and renting them out to CGHS has made the Federation somewhat confident.nfcl-2

We have begun a lots of new business initiatives and soon you would see a turn around, said a confident Kushalkar. Son of a reputed Cooperator Kushalkar presides over a successful cooperative federation in Pune and Maharashtra.

On the question as to why the national labour federation has failed to a make a mark Kushalkar said that unlike Maharashtra the rules for national level is not conducive for the business. We have three tier system in Maharashtra where the profits travel from bottom to state level thereby making all the party profitable.

“But we have tied up with 360 degree-a construction company and have enlisted ourselves with NCCT of NCUI, Income Tax Dept, National Oil Development Corporation, Ministry of Forest and Environment and others for labour outsourcing. In a year’s time we would hit the high-way of profit”, a confident Chairman told Indian Cooperative.
We are already making billing to the tune of Rs7-8 lakhs and by the year end we expect it to grow to 1-2 crore, said Mr Kushalkar. All the required legal formalities such as labour licence, ESI are in place. We have to go cracking and turn it around, he added.

Delegates from several states such as Maharashtra, Andhra, Kerala and others had come to participate in the AGM. A stone plate in the campus of headquarters of NLCF in Delhi in the name of the father of present Chairman Late Kushalkar was unveiled on this occasion. Sanjiv’s father the late Kushalkar was the Chairman of NLCF for a number of years and contributed to its growth in a big way.

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