IGICM organizes CBS training

Rajdh_2 copyA series of five days training program on Computerized & Core Banking (CBS) for Officers  & Employees of Rajdhani Nagar Sahkari Bank, Lucknow organized at Indira Gandhi Institute of Cooperative Management (IGICM)-Lucknow from 08-12th September, 15-19th September and 22-26th September 2014 respectively under Course Director Dr. I. A. Khan, Senior Faculty Member of IGICM.

The Core Banking course was inaugurated by Dr. Rashmi Singh Yadav, Chairman, Rajdhani Nagar Sahkari Bank with key note speech in the presence of Institute Director, Course Director and Secretary of the Bank. A total sixty two participants have been trained in three batches in different aspects of Computerized and Core Banking, as CORE banking software has been installed already in the Rajdhani Nagar Sahkari Bank.

All together, the course has been concluded dated 26th September 2014 and all 62 participants have been awarded by a certificate through Chairman of the Rajdhani Bank Dr. Rashmi Singh in the presence Vice Chairman, Shri Yogendra Singh, Board Director Dr. J. M. S. Yadav, Institute Director Shri Ajay Rastogi, Course Director Dr. I. A. Khan and Bank Secretary, Shri Umesh Chandra Gupta.

On the occasion of closing function, Director of the institute Mr. Ajay Rastogi, welcomed all guests and explained the need of training & activities of the institute. In the closing speech, the Bank Chairman lauds the need of training for their employees and changing the role of employees in the bank as per competitive environment, she also emphasized the role of professional training and its impact to refresh the employee with full of knowledge and energy to work at workplace.                                                                                                                                Rajdh_0

Dr Rashmi told that as I am seeing your face and also listen from you that training program has been completed very successfully. Vice Chairman Shri Singh also feels very happy after listening employees experience in the training and said that training is essential for the better work to make the bank in profit.

Further, the board Director of Bank Dr. JMS Yadav also praised to the Director & Course Director for their full support and facilities of training provided to the employees of beneficiary organization Rajdhani Nagar Sahkari Bank. Mr. UC Gupta, Secretary thanked the Chairman Dr. Rashmi Singh, IGICM and their employees for successful training program organized.

Dr. I. A. Khan, Course Director provided information about the details of Computerized & Core Banking training program. He also explained teaching pedagogy and methodology used in the training program that every participant has used one to one computer in learning & on-line practical training provided.


Dr. Khan, Course Director thanked sponsoring Chairman, Secretary, officers & employees of the bank & everyone who was involved in the process of organizing training program in the Institute.

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