IFFCO making bid for cooperative world leadership

Indian cooperative major IFFCO has assembled who’s who of cooperators from across the world in a bid to lead the cooperative world. Besides a number of Indian cooperative leaders including NCUI President Chandra Pal Singh Yadav, Ms. Monique Leroux- top in the race for ICA leadership is also present along with several notable cooperators at Rambagh Palace in Jaipur-the venue for the event.

Talking to Indian Cooperative IFFCO DGM Tarun Bhargava said “we are organizing East Asian Agricultural Organisation Council Top Level Meeting with a theme “Role of Cooperatives in Agro-Input Marketing” and a Summit on “ Indian Initiative for World Cooperatives ” at Rambagh Palace Jaipur on 25-26.10.2015.”

The little known EAAOC has the backing of IFFCO this time and the fertilizer major has deployed some retired Ms. Monique . F. Leroux, Chair Desjardins Group, Canadaveterans including Dr G N Saxena to make its Indian initiative for world cooperatives a success. “Yes I have got my tickets delivered and I am leaving for Jaipur for two days”, confirmed Saxena to us.

The news so far is that the Summit is being attended by top-notch cooperators drawn from about a dozen countries and as many Cooperative Institutions. These include Desjardins, Canada; JA-Zenchu, Japan; NACF, Korea; NAMAC, Mongolia; NFA ,Taiwan; NCF, Nepal; COOPFED, Sri Lanka, ANGKASA , Malaysia.

The eminent dignitaries include Ms. Monique . F. Leroux, Chair Desjardins Group, Canada and Director ICA Global ICA Board, Mr. WON-BYUNG CHOI, Chairman NACF Korea & Director Global ICA Board, Mr. Balvinder Singh Nakai, Chairman IFFCO, Dr. U.S.Awasthi, Managing Director IFFCO, Dr. Chandrapal Singh Yadav , President NCUI & Chairman Kribhco, Mr. Aditya Yadav, Director Global ICA Board and Mr. Balu Iyer, Regional Director ICA-AP.

Tarun says the whole idea is the brainchild of IFFCO MD Dr U S Awasthi. In Tarun’s words “it is a well thought out concept visualised by IFFCO Visionary Managing Director Dr. U.S.Awasthi. His dedication and contribution to Welfare of Farmers and National Interest is well known. This will bring a visible change in the Cooperative Movement of the country as well as worldwide, helping us take growth and development of cooperatives forward to the next level.”

The Summit started with a colourful evening in the historical city of Jaipur last evening.

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