ICA A-P: Committee meetings mark Day 2

On the occasion of the 9th Asia Pacific Cooperative Forum and the 12th Regional Assembly of ICA-AP, seminars and workshops and meeting of various Committees were held on the theme “Role of Cooperatives in Sustainable Development and Growth” Wednesday in Ashoka Hotel, Delhi.

These seminars was attended by delegates from India, China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and other countries who made presentations on the present Cooperative scene in their respective countries.

A workshop on University Cooperatives in SARRC countries was attended by participants from Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and other countries. Several students from Shri Ram College of Commerce attended workshops and shared experiences with their fellow students in Delhi colleges about the state of affairs prevailing in the cooperative sector.

Talking to this correspondent, one of the students from SRCC College said under Delhi University there are 77 colleges but there are only two cooperative stores including SRCC Cooperative Store and Delhi University Cooperative Store established in 1962.

Another seminar on Cooperative Banks andphots-nepal Sustainable Development was attended by participants from apex banks. NAFSCOB Managing Director Bhima Subrahmanyam raised the burning issue of District Central Cooperative Bank before the committee. One of the NCUI directors G.H.Amin and NABARD, former chairman Y.C.Nanda were also present on this occasion.

A participant from Sri Lanka said 70 percent of total population is associated with cooperatives in Sri Lanka. There are 48 District Union and 8,000 credit Unions.

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