ICA A-P: Chandra Pal re-elected as Vice-President

Indian cooperators were on cloud nine once the announcement of Chandra Pal Singh Yadav’s re-election as Vice -President was made by the election officer Charles Gould Friday at Ashoka Hotel in Delhi during the 12th Regional Assembly of ICA Asia-Pacific.

Chandra Pal bagged 149 out of total 190 votes cast. The euphoria was so intense that cooperators clean forgot about their claim for presidency. In the wake of the results the crowds surrounding Chandra Pal became so unrestrained and boisterous that it became difficult to conduct the election proceedings. Gould had to finally appeal to Yadav to ask his supporters to take seats.

Ms Chitose Arai of Japan was also declared elected as the second Vice President bagging 109 votes while Mr A M Nurdin Halid from Indonesia lost having bagged a mere 58 votes.

As predicted earlier in these columns, Mr Li Chunsheng of China was declared elected President for the third timevictory-in-ica-ap unanimously.

There were no elections for the Board members as out of 12 nominations filed earlier, Vo Kim Cu of Vietnam withdrew which meant there were just as many candidates as were the seats. Each candidate introduced himself and promised to strengthen the cooperative movement in the region.

The new Board is a mixed lot with both some old and some new members, informed RD Balu Aiyer to Indian Cooperative. One of the new Board members was Keshav Prasad Badal from Nepal who has entered the Board for the first time.

145478Earlier,the race for Vice-Presidentship intensified as the proceedings of Assembly progressed. There were concentrated efforts to convince Indonesian candidate Mr Halidyadav-li to withdraw but he refused. Mr Alireza Gharagozlou of Iran was also in the race earlier but he relented when Indian team comprising of S S Yadav, Tarun Bharagava and Yogendra Kumar convinced him to do so.

On Friday Indian cooperators presented a united front when they launched an aggressive campaign persuading delegates in favor of Chandra Pal. Besides, Chandra Pal’s core team, IFFCO’s Yogendra Kumar and Tarun Bhargava were also literally on their feet the whole day campaigning for him.

“Our MD had promised to support and help Chandra Palji and we are here to execute his orders”, said Bharagava who was too tired to be able to participate in the farewell dinner at the end of the election.

New Board of ICA Asia Pacific

Mr. Li Chunsheng, China, elected President

Dr Chandra PAL Singh Yadav, India, elected Vice President

Ms. Chitose Arai, Japan, elected Vice-President

Board Members

Mr. A.M.Nurdin Halid, Indonesia, President, Dekopin

Mr. Alireza Gharagozlou, Iran, Deputy of Economic, ICC

Mr. Byeong Won Kim, Korea, Chairman NACF

Dato Abdul Fattah Hj Abdullah, Malaysia, President, ANGKASA

Mr Keshav Prasad Badal, Nepal, Chairman, NCF

Atty. Adolfo Ibanez, Philippines, Chairperson NATCCO

Mr. Kwek Kok Kwong, Singapore, Chairman, SNCF

Mr. W.Lalith A. Peiris, Sri Lanka, President, NCC

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