Marching Ahead: CAMPCO achieves all-time high turnover

Karnataka based Central Arecanut & Cocoa Marketing & Processing Cooperative (CAMPCO) reached its ambitious targets of all-time high turnover of Rs 3,336 crore with net profit of Rs 5.99 crore in the 2023-24 FY.

During the year, Campco has purchased 57,356.30 MT of Arecanut valued at Rs 2502.27 Crore including 25,762.03 MT of Red Variety valued at Rs 1238.76 Crore & 31,594.27 MT of White Variety valued at Rs 1263.51 Crore.

The Total Arecanut Sales include 62320.71 MT valued at Rs 2825.43 Crore comprising 25,490.32 MT of Red Variety valued at Rs 1257.78 Crore & 36,830.39 MT of White Variety valued at Rs 1567.64 Crore.

The figures were revealed in the annual report of Campco for the financial year 2023-24.

Besides, the quantity of Cocoa Wet Beans procured is 1762.36 MT valued at Rs 13.37 Crore and Dry Beans purchased is 5249.26 MT valued at Rs 140.79 Crore and total consumption of dry beans at Factory is 5,991.71 MT.

The total production of Campco Chocolate Factory (CCF) stood at 13,704.68 MT, out of which 12,579.29 MT is of our own brand Chocolate Products and 1093.20 MT is produced under job-work arrangement and sold total Chocolates/other products worth Rs 345.07 Crore (Net) including Rs 68.35 Crore under Finished/Retail Chocolate Product Segment, Rs 259.55 Crore under Industrial Chocolate Product Segment, Rs 17.17 Crore under Export A/c and Rs 2.79 Crore under Other Sales.

The Processing Charges collected on job-work arrangement amounts to Rs 3.25 Crore

During the year, Campco has purchased 1,784.05 MT of Rubber valued at Rs 26.91 Crore and sold 1,771.26 MT to the value Rs 27.25 Crore. It has also purchased 855.79 MT of Pepper valued at Rs 45.65 Crore and sold 1,588.71 MT to the value Rs 78.23 Crore.

In order to protect the crops from infectious diseases, the campco distributed I.S.I quality Copper Sulphate under CAMPCO Brand to the tune of 269.07 MT to the Farmers at a very reasonable rate apart from subsidy through our Branches and Agent Societies.

During the year 2023-24, Campco distributed 27,555 No’s of cocoa seedlings to grower members at subsidised rate and also distributed Rs 3.28 crore worth of chocolate & other Campco products as gifts to members to mark the Golden Jubilee Year of the society.

The Campco planned to supply 75,525 No’s of Cocoa Saplings for disbursement to the grower members at subsidized rates for the FY 2024-25.

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