Gujarat State Coop Union celebrates Co-op Week

By C J Dave

The inaugural function of the 60th All India Cooperative Week was organized at Nadiad by the Gujarat State Cooperative Union in collaboration with Kheda District Cooperative Union on 14th November 2013.

While inaugurating the Cooperative Week, Shri Dinsha Patel, Hon’ble Union Minister for Mines said that the thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel need to be practiced today. Gandhiji applied his thoughts in his life and then advised others to follow the same. Likewise we have to apply cooperative ideology for the development of cooperative movement.

The Chief Guest of the function, Shri Ghanshyambhai H. Amin, Vice-President of National Cooperative Union of India, New Delhi and Chairman of Gujarat State Cooperative Union said that 60th All India Cooperative Week is being celebrated in about 350 districts of our country.

Cooperative Week is celebrated in the month of July by 96 countries across the world whereas in India we celebrate Cooperative Week from 14th November to 20th November. By adopting professional management and technology, the cooperative activity has to be leader in the path of development. With the amendment of cooperative law, cooperatives are given freedom of function and thus, cooperative impediments are minimized.

The Guest of Honour of the function, Shri Ramsinhbhai Parmar, Chairman, Amul Dairy said that cooperative sector needs to be developed as it develops community and the society. Cooperative institutions like Amul dairy are playing a vital role for amelioration of weaker sections of the society.

The president of the function, Shri Dhirubhai A. Chavda, Chairman, Kheda District Cooperative Union said, while explaining the important of the cooperative week that the development of a society is done by cooperatives and not by Corporate. Cooperative activity is not for self development but for the development of all.


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