GSCU: Amin reiterates co-ops’ commitment to PM’s vision

The 63rd Annual General Meeting (AGM), of Gujarat State Cooperative Union was held on 30th July 2022, Saturday in Ahmedabad. This meeting was presided over by its Chairman Ghanshyambhai Amin, informs the press release issued by the organization.

In his presidential address Amin who is also the Chairman of Cooperative Bank of India (COBI) said that Prime Minister Narendrai Modi bailed out the Indian economy from devastating effects of the global pandemic Covid-19 by announcing Aatmanirbhar Nirbhar Packages and thereby rescued industries managed by the middle class, Cottage Industry and labourers at the grassroots level. The Cooperative Sector also played a pivotal role in these efforts of the Government, said Amin.

G H Amin further said that Prime Minister Narendrabhai Modi has also announced plans to celebrate the 75th year of India’s Independence as AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV. The cooperative sector has also joined to commemorate the 75th year of India’s Independence.

“The apex cooperative body NCUI, State Cooperative Unions, District Cooperative Unions and other cooperative organizations have been organizing programs and seminars as a part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav”, informed Amin.

Amin urged all cooperative Institutions to join in the Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign and hoist the national flag Tiranga in every home and office. He also praised the prime minister for taking the revolutionary step of forming an exclusive Ministry of Cooperation to strengthen the cooperative sector in the country.

While presenting the annual accounts and balance sheet before the AGM, Amin mentioned the prime minister’s slogan to the nation ” Prosperity through Cooperation ” i.e. ” Sahkarse Se Samriddhi ” and underlined the importance of united efforts of cooperatives in accomplishing the goal. Amin also appreciated the computerization of cooperative bodies across the country.

In his welcome address, Arvindbhai Tagadiya, Secretary of State Cooperative Union said that the cooperative sector of Gujarat is nothing but a result of Ghanshyambhai Amin’s great efforts aimed at lighting a flame of cooperation far and wide.

In the AGM, Amin was felicitated with a flower bouquet and shawl by Shivjibhai Ahir for being elected unopposed as the representative of Gujarat in the Governing Council of National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI), New Delhi. Several other prominent cooperators were also felicitated on the occasion.

K T Parikh, Chairman of Panchmahal District Cooperative Union proposed a vote of thanks and the proceedings were conducted by Dr Rajendrabhai Trivedi, Executive Officer of Gujarat State Cooperative Union.

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