Udaybhansinhji Regional Institute of Cooperative Management, Gandhinagar and Gujarat State Cooperative Union, Ahmedabad conducted a National Webinar on “Emerging Challenges for Cooperative Trainers Post COVID-19” recently for the chief executive officers, cooperative education instructors and lecturers of five state cooperative unions of UP, MP, HP. Chhattisgarh. and Rajasthan.
Thirty-five lecturers, Cooperative Instructors, CEOs of Five State Cooperative Unions attended the webinar. Ravinder Singh Bhatiya vice chairman of C.G. State Cooperative Union and Distt Registrar and Joint Registrar from Jaipur were prominent attendees.
The webinar was inaugurated by a video message of G.H. Amin, Chairman of Gujarat State Cooperative Union. In his message to the CEO of the participating state cooperative union, Amin said due to the present covid 19 situation class rooms-based training and education is not possible.
The State Cooperative Unions should use the available technology for on-line classes and continue the training and teaching activities, Amin added.
Rajendrabhai Trivedi, Executive Officer of GSCU made a presentation on the preparedness of the union to tackle this difficult situation. He said he had already organised the training of its cooperative education instructors and lecturers of different training centers and also those who are working in District Cooperative Unions and upskilled them for on-line training.
Regular sessions started from 11.45 AM to 2.15 PM. Dr. Ashish Makwana, Dr. Yogesh Joshi were expert speakers from SP University, VV Nagar. They informed the participants about the available tools and technology which can be used for reaching members of primary cooperative societies in remote villages.
They demonstrated use of different AV system which can be integrated in on-line training to make it more purposeful. Sri V K Pandey and Ms Hardika Jadav internal faculty took their assigned sessions on framework of online classes and modality to engage participants in on-line classes.
Dr A. K. Asthana, Director of URICM told in the last session that there are lots of technical hindrances in conducting on-line classes like poor connectivity of internet, less technical knowledge of participants, creating class rooms situation in online mode etc but there is no option left except to use technology to bridge the gap between training institute and its clientele.
He assured the participating state cooperative unions for hand holding and exchanging the experiences of on-line classes in future.