CAMPCO denounces misleading reports on Arecanut price decline

A.Kishore Kumar Kodgi, President of the Central Arecanut and Cocoa Marketing and Processing Cooperative Ltd. (CAMPCO), issued a press release condemning misleading reports from certain media outlets regarding an alleged drop in arecanut prices.

The release firmly states that these reports have caused unnecessary confusion and undermined the morale of arecanut farmers.

According to CAMPCO, there is a strong demand for Chali arecanut in northern India, and no legitimate reason exists for a price decline. CAMPCO reaffirmed its commitment to safeguarding the interests of arecanut farmers and providing transparent, honest service.

In the release, CAMPCO criticized traders and businessmen for prioritizing their own interests over those of the farmers. It clarified that imported arecanut cannot match the quality or price of the domestically grown product, despite contrary claims from some quarters.

“We urge arecanut farmers not to be swayed by these rumors and to sell their produce gradually, either to CAMPCO or other cooperatives,” the statement said, advising farmers to avoid panic-selling based on unverified claims.

CAMPCO emphasized that the price of Chali arecanut has actually increased, attributing the rise to improved quality of the new harvest following the rains. The cooperative assured farmers that they can expect better prices in the near future due to these favorable conditions.

The statement also urged farmers to resist mixing their high-quality arecanuts with lower-grade products offered by traders, as doing so could compromise the value of their produce.

CAMPCO’s release concludes by urging farmers to remain patient and trust that their efforts will be rewarded with favorable market conditions in the coming days.

The cooperative reaffirmed its dedication to supporting farmers and providing them with the best possible prices for their produce.

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