CAMPCO cautions against fraudulent misuse of membership cards

In a recent incident, officials at the Central Arecanut and Cocoa Marketing and Processing Cooperative Limited (CAMPCO) uncovered fraudulent activity involving the misuse of membership cards. Certain traders, who have built close relationships with farmers, have been caught using CAMPCO membership cards meant for farmers to sell arecanut at various CAMPCO branches.

One such trader attempted to sell low-quality arecanut imported from Burma (Myanmar) at the CAMPCO branch in Puttur. The trader, exploiting a farmer’s card, mixed the substandard arecanut with local produce in an effort to pass it off as a superior product. However, the fraud was quickly detected by the vigilant CAMPCO officials, preventing the low-quality product from entering the market.

CAMPCO has issued a stern warning to its farmer members, urging them to be cautious and not to allow their membership cards to be misused by traders or any third party. The cooperative stressed that such fraudulent practices could have a detrimental impact on the arecanut market.

If buyers from North India, who are key consumers, become aware of foreign arecanut being mixed with local varieties, it could result in them halting purchases from the region altogether, destabilizing the local market and prices.

In a message to all members, CAMPCO emphasized the importance of vigilance, reminding them that their membership cards should only be used for legitimate transactions. Farmers were advised to prevent any misuse, as such actions could have far-reaching consequences for the arecanut industry.

The cooperative also provided a photograph of the low-quality foreign arecanut as part of the press release to help farmers and stakeholders recognize the inferior product. The message closed with a reminder of the old adage, “Prevention is better than cure,” encouraging members to avoid falling prey to such fraudulent schemes.

This swift action by CAMPCO’s officials highlights the need for continuous monitoring and honesty within the arecanut trade to maintain trust and market stability.

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