B K Mishra does a Saxena with a querist!

About a couple of years ago, a little known cooperator from Tamil Nadu wanted to be an RGB member of the farmers’ cooperative IFFCO.

The cooperator Ramachandran who later became famous by waging a heroic fight in the run up to the Directors’ election got rewarded by the IFFCO management accommodating him into one of its prestigious committees.

A similar situation has arisen now with Karamjit-an Assistant Director Fisheries at Punjab fisheries. Fishcopfed MD Mr B K Mishra- an equally proactive officer like Dr. G.N. Saxena former director of IFFCO has been kind enough toramachandran respond to Karamjit’s queries at the request of Indian Cooperative.

We reproduce below the questions and the answers given by Mr Mishra offering encouragement to the cooperator to help him use this platform for the greater interaction so that the cooperative movement gets strengthened.

Respected Sir,

I’m working as Asstt. Director Fisheries at Punjab fisheries Chandigarh. We have insured around 3000 fish farmers/fishermen through the FISCOFED insurance scheme and want to cover more persons under the scheme,

My queries are:

1 Why does Fiscopfed not issue Identity cards/regd. nos?

2.how to deal with the cases of affected persons covered under the scheme ?

3 How many persons have been able to get benefit from the scheme?



B K Mishra, Fishcopfed MD responds point wise

i) The state fisheries deptt. identifies the target group to be covered under the Scheme. The Deptt. provides the list of identified fishers to be insured indicating name, age, address and legal heir, to FISHCOPFED.

ii) The claim settlement procedure has been intimated to each state fisheries deptt. The list of claim supporting documents can be downloaded from our website fishcopfed.in. In the past we had organized at least two Workshops on the subject for the Fisheries Deptt. Officials of Punjab at RICM, Chandigarh.

iii) Over 20000 claims have been settled so far in the country.


B K Mishra ,MD Fishcopfed

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