Sunil seeks to convert Patna into a co-operative capital

Biscomaun Chairman Sunil Singh is planning a mega cooperative show early next year in the Bihar state capital in which who is who of cooperative sector would be showcased. He has deployed huge efforts to make it successful.

“We have decided the date after NCUI President Chandra Pal Singh Yadav confirmed us the date; it would be held on 27th February. On the same day NCUI would be holding it Governing Council meeting- in keeping with its new trend of having GC meet at other places” said the Chairman. On 19th December it held its GC meet at Rajkot at the invitation of government nominee Shri Jyotindra Mehta.

Giving details of the cooperative function Sunil Singh said that all the efforts to make it memorable are being made; Patna would be converted into some kind of a cooperative town capital with cut-outs as high as 80 feet dotting the skyline of the town. He plans to have two such cut-outs of NCUI President –one at the famous Gandhi Maidan and second at the gate of Srikrishna Hall where the function is scheduled to take place.

The ambitious programme has everything- evening team with CM Nitish Kumar residence, dinner at a moving steamer in the Ganges, a chat with Deputy CM and a Volvo to take the guests around Pavapuri and Bodhgaya. The cooperators would also be meeting RJD Supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav –the leader who has supported Sunil through thick and thin.

“Bihar is known for warmth and hospitality and we would try to present our guests with an example of this. We would pack them off with famous Bihari delicacies such as Anarsha and Tilkut”, Biscomaun Chairman added.

Sunil confirmed the booking of more than 35 rooms in the prestigious Maura Hotel-the best in Patna to house about 70 high-profile guests. He expects 75 of them.

Experts of plywood gate are being invited from Kolkata. Kolkata would also be delivering fresh flowers for decoration of the show, informed Sunil.

Sunil Singh has also managed to keep the Board meeting of another national cooperative body-NAFSCOB in BiharBihar on 26th. All the Directors of the apex body of cooperative banks would therefore participate in the cooperative function.  Ramesh Chaubey-the Chairman of Bihar State Cooperative Bank a close friend of Sunil Singh is one of the Vice-Chairmen of NAFSCOB.

More than 4000 PACS Chairman, all the board members of 22 cooperative banks and all the prominent cooperators from the state would not only participate but would welcome the guest coming from various parts of the country, averred Sunil.


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