Rajasthan Budget aims raising capacity of co-operative warehouses

Rajasthan Deputy Chief Minister Diya Kumari, who holds the finance portfolio, presented the state budget 2024-25 in the assembly on Wednesday and announced the construction of 100 to 500 metric capacity warehouses in 150 Gram Seva Sahkari Samitis of the state.

In a bid to increase the storage capacity, it is proposed to construct warehouses of 100 to 500 metric tonnes capacity in 150 Gram Seva Cooperative Societies. About 35 crore rupees will be spent on these. Also, a subsidy of about 22 crore rupees will be provided to 2500 farmers for the construction of onion storage structures, she said

Kumar further added that the Cooperative Movement has played a major role in empowering and enriching the farmers of the state. In order to make the existing Cooperative Codes more relevant, it is proposed to introduce new Cooperative Codes.

Under the Namo Drone Didi Yojana in the state, along with providing assistance on the drones being made available to 1000 women Self Help Groups (SHGs) for agricultural work, Kumari announced to provide a subsidy of Rs 2,500 per hectare for spraying Nano Urea and Pesticides.

She also announced the distribution of interest-free short-term crop loans worth Rs 23,000 crore. Under this, 5 lakh new farmers will be able to get loans. For this, Rs 736 crore will be spent on interest subsidy. This will benefit about 35 lakh farmers.

Increasing the scope of long-term agricultural loans given by cooperative banks for land reforms, She also announced to double the loan of about Rs 50 crore distributed last year to Rs 100 crore. It is also proposed to give an additional interest subsidy of 2 percent to farmers who repay long-term agricultural loans on time.

Kumari also proposed to provide a 5 percent interest subsidy on long-term cooperative non-farming loans. For this, an expenditure of about 64 crores rupees is estimated.

Besides, with a view to empowering farmers, 500 new Farmer Producer Organizations will be formed (FPOs) in a phased manner.

To encourage farmers on organic farming, Kumari announced the formation of Organic and Conventional Farming Board to provide all necessary assistance and training to farmers. Units and Labs will be set up in districts for certification of organic products.

Under the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA, Kumari said it is proposed to spend an amount of Rs 197.86 crore on Govardhan projects.

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