Plough to Tractor to Drones; IFFCO heralds New Agri Age: Shah

While praising 75 innovators in the co-operative sector over the past 75 years, the Union Cooperation Minister particularly mentioned IFFCO for its ground breaking contributions to agriculture. Shah commended IFFCO for introducing Nano Urea and Nano DAP and addressing concerns about declining soil quality due to the excessive use of chemical fertilizer.

“Nano Urea and Nano DAP are applied to the crops without penetrating the soil, providing immense relief to soil fertility compromised by chemical overdose,” remarked Shah, highlighting the promptness with which IFFCO developed these liquid fertilisers.

Chairman Dileep Sanghani and MD Dr. U S Awasthi of IFFCO, seated in the front row, welcomed Shah’s positive remarks, while the audience, including Kribhco MD Rajan Chaudhary and Nafcub’s representative D Krishna, listened with rapt attention.

Sharing his experiences from the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, Shah emphasized the growing popularity of Agri Drones in villages. He traced the evolution of agriculture, noting the transition from ploughs to tractors and now to the fascination of agri drones, predicting that drone-operating individuals, referred to as Drone Didis, are the future of Indian agriculture.

Expressing confidence in Nano’s widespread acceptance within 3-4 years, Shah highlighted the transformative role of drones in modern farming. He stated that when Drone Didi’s spray fields through PACS, it instills confidence in rural communities that the economy is embracing modernity.

Notably, IFFCO is acquiring 2500 drones, branded as “IFFCO Kisan Drones,” for spraying its revolutionary Nano Urea and Nano DAP products. This initiative, aligned with the Prime Minister’s vision of Sahkar Se Samriddhi, aims to train 5000 rural entrepreneurs in drone spraying.

In a significant step, IFFCO has initiated training programs for women drone pilots in various locations, including Gwalior, Phulpur, and Mysore, inaugurated by Chairman Dileep Sanghani.

Encouraged by Minister’s words IFFCO MD lost no time and tweeted in Hindi which roughly meant “We at IFFCO heartily thank Union Home and Cooperation Minister Shri Amit Shah for appreciating the work of IFFCO in bringing Nano fertilizers to the farmers. In IFFCO, we are spraying n\Nano fertilizers in villages across the country with NaMo Kisan Drone and are also preparing NaMo Drone Didi Pilots. Your visionary thinking is reflected in the address given by you on how  Nano fertilizers are helpful in the interest of the soil of our country.

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IFFCO's Drones a Rural Sensation, Shah applauds Innovations

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