NCCT: Why is Pramod angry with Mishra?

There are several cooperators in the country who are not happy with NCCT Secretary Mohan Mishra but Dehradun ICM Chairman Pramod Kumar Singh simply hates the man. And the reason for this is not far to seek.

Dehradun ICM is doing fine and is also earning money by offering cooperative training to different co-operative bodies of the state under the leadership of Pramod Singh. By a new circular the earnings are being divided between ICM and NCCT.

”When we earn by putting in hard labour why should we share the fruits with the NCCT, asked an angry Singh to this correspondent. This man Mohan Mishra sitting at the NCCT headquarters issues us letters derogatory to the dignity of cooperators”, he complains.

In one of the letters that he wrote to all the ICM Chairmen, he said they would not use official vehicle or ICM Chamber for political purpose. He does not know about me; should I need to use a dilapidated car of the NCCT for my movement, retorted Singh who is also on the Board of IFFCO.

Besides, Pramod said the ICM operates from the land of PCU ( Pradeshik Cooperative Union), of which he himself is the chairman. Being dictated by a middling official from Delhi is indeed not acceptable, he added.

Talking to Indian Cooperative Pramod also narrated an incident from Bhopal ICMs’ meeting in which he along with NCUI President Chandra Pal Singh, among others, had participated. “I was told later that once we had left, NCCT Secretary openly told the NCCT officials not to give much importance to netas,” Singh shared.

NCCTIt is with the mutual respect and coordination between leaders and officials that a show is run. But if you rundown leaders and have no respect for them, how can things move, he asked.

Dr Mishra has once again refused to comment. Perhaps his official position does not allow him to speak openly and give his side of the story.



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