Despite performance Fishcopfed goes into red

For the first time after B K Mishra took over as MD of Fishcopfed the apex cooperative body registered loss in the last financial year underlining once again that cooperatives cannot grow in India without the governmental support.

Hailed as turn-around MD in the past, a pained Mishra told Indian Cooperative on Wednesday that we are yet to receive our payment to the tune of Rs 1.2 crore as service charge from insurance company. “We have indeed suffered a loss of Rs 60-70 Lakh on account of this, other things remaining the same”, he added.

He was speaking at the 37th AGM of the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative (Fishcopfed) at its headquarters in New Delhi. Over 50 delegates drawn from different states came to take part in it.

Mishra’s illuminating speech graphically proved how govt is treating the Fishcopfed as a poor cousin of NFDB. And that too when the cooperative body has proved its worth by making a database of about 30 lakh fishermen in the country- a job we Indians invariably ignore leading to faulty implementation of the govt schemes.

Starting in 1982 with ten thousand fishermen and with an insurance amount of Rs 15,000 the Fishcopfed covers 46 lakh fishermen and offers them Rs 2 lakh as insurance amount today. But sadly enough, informed the MD the govt gives it fund just to train 5000 fishermen per year. “We have 30 lakh fishermen and this way we would take 600 years to train all of them”, he lamented.

A great votary of Blue Revolution Mishra said Prime Minister’s dream to usher in Blue Revolution in India is possible only through the cooperatives as past records show that even white and green revolutions occurred only through them.

Fishcopfed Chairman and Nagpur based BJP leader Prakash Lonare said the Fishery sector is neglected by all the governments. No govt is bothered about the problems of fisherman/fisherwomen who put their life in danger while catching fish. He suggested the Modi Government should frame a National Policy for Fishers in India.

He announced that the World fishery day which is going to be celebrated on 21st November in Vigyan Bhawan will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Uttar Pradesh Fisheries Development Corporation Chairman Rajpal Kashyap was the chief guest in this meeting. Kashyap also echoed Lonare’s words and said the fishery sector is being neglected by the government and no policies are made in the interest of Fishermen. He said if we want to bring blue revolution we have to strengthen Cooperatives. He further said at the time of Parliamentary session we and fishery cooperators will protest.

Fishcopfed MD said a fisherman’s life is at a greater risk than that of a farmer. He demanded the direct allocation of money to the fishcopfed instead of giving it to NFDB. He requested the UP minister to help Fishcopfed open Regional office in Lucknow to which Kashyap immediately responded with positive vibes.



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