As the standard bye-laws have minimum guidance on the matter of Agenda of SGBM, we urgently need following clarifications regarding holding of Special General Body Meeting :
- Is there a time gap to be maintained between an AGM and SGBM? We held our AGM on 14th Sept 2017.
- The AGM authorised the managing committee to invite tenders and select to to undertake painting contract not exceeding a certain sum of budget.
- Despite the above, certain MC members want to call for a SGBM to apprise the members on the selection of contractors. Is it OK to hold this SGBM discussing the same matter of AGM, though now in greater detail?
- Can the agenda of this SGBM include other general matters which may be routinely decided in AGM like revision of parking charges, update on ongoing legal / tax matters, new investments possibilities in bonds and mutual funds?
I C Naik
Such SGBM is in order.