Query of Neyda Radouane

I am contacting you regarding a project between the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the “Economic Development and International Cooperation” Master’s Degree of the Institute of Political Studies in Toulouse. This project is a study led by the students of the Institute, and aims to analyze the existing partnerships between French Embassies and the civil society of partner countries. The ultimate goal is to offer innovative solutions to develop these relations.

Your organization and its actions in the cooperative sector appeared to be particularly interesting regarding our project. Therefore, as a major actor in India’s cooperative movement, we would you be available for an interview about your actions and more generally your vision of the cooperative sector in India?

This interview would be held on Skype or Whatsapp and be led with Neyda Radouane, who is in charge of questions regarding the economic and social development in India. If you find not having the time for an interview, we could also send you some of our questions to answer on a questionnaire.

Because we have short deadlines, we would be grateful for having this interview or the questionnaire filled before April 18th, depending on your availabilities.

Thank you very much in advance, we are looking forward to hearing from you,

I C Naik

I do not think I can be of help in this matter


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