Jatin Shah
Please advise me whether subcommittee can be formed in housing society. What are their responsibilities and under which Bye laws?
I require this information for one of the societies in Bandra.
I C Naik
The MCS Act 1960 and Model bye-laws recognize a three tier management structure of cooperative societies namely the general body, the Committee and the Hon. Secretary. There is no reference to constituting sub-committees , their duties etc. except that the audit report has under Section 81(1)(e) (iii) the functioning of the committee and sub-committees of the societies be checked and if any irregularities or violations are observed or reported, duly fixing the responsibilities for such irregularities or violations.
There is a practice of using Sub-Committees on tricky issues, but the Committee is ultimately responsible and all decisions of Sub-Committees are recommendatory and valid to the extent the Committee has adopted it by passing a resolution the Committee meetings in a formal way.