Hello sir…i am a committee member of our chs. This year before agm our Chairman and Secretary along with some committee members have decided to collect cultural activity fees, for which i opposed… Now our committee is incurring expenses on new year celebration… Arr such kind of expenses legal… Already our members are contributing 1500Rs extra every month for the water proofing of terraces and other areas… In this kind of situation, using the society fund for social celebration allowed… Can committee members spend fund on such activities at their own will… Also some of the committee members along with few society members are not contributing for the waterproofing fund because of which the work is getting delayed… In sgm as well as agm with the opinion of majority of members the decision has been passed to collect the waterproofing /terrace shed fund through 12 to 15 installments of 1500Rs each month. Can interest be levied for this non payment…
Hello sir…i am a committee member of our chs. This year before agm our Chairman and Secretary along with some committee members have decided to collect cultural activity fees, for which i opposed… Now our committee is incurring expenses on new year celebration… Arr such kind of expenses legal… Already our members are contributing 1500Rs extra every month for the water proofing of terraces and other areas… In this kind of situation, using the society fund for social celebration allowed… Can committee members spend fund on such activities at their own will… Also some of the committee members along with few society members are not contributing for the waterproofing fund because of which the work is getting delayed… In sgm as well as agm with the opinion of majority of members the decision has been passed to collect the waterproofing /terrace shed fund through 12 to 15 installments of 1500Rs each month. Can interest be levied for this non payment…