Query from A D Carlito

I wish to know as per the Goa cooperative housing society bylaws what are the non occupancy charges the society can levy on the member who is renting his property.

Are the society bye laws different in Maharashtra and in Goa?

My society is newly formed and they are asking me to pay 5% of the lease amount + additional 10,000.00 per anum, only towards non occupancy charges.

These amounts are excluding the maintenance charges etc.

Are they permitted to charge these rates? They are claiming as per article 133 of goa lease and license act they have the right to charge the same.

I C Naik

Society Bye Laws are society Specific Bye Laws in all States. So for answers to most questions you must own a copy of bye Laws of your Society which you have aright to get only n one condition that zerox charges are to be born by you.

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