Collapsing building; callous MC!

Mrs. H.R.Broker

I am residing in Mumbai in our almost 46 years old CHS society. There are 12 buildings with 256 members. The structural audit report also indicates weakened column, beam and chajja’s structure. Peeling off plaster from wall, ceiling and slabs are common.

Immediately steps for major repair are to be taken to prevent further deterioration of the Bldg. This building is a safety threat to the people living around them; it do not meet any building norms and can collapse in a few years if it is not repaired.

About 24 members are residing in my building and majorities are senior citizens. Their choice is redevelopment of bldg. Thus they do not wish to spend money for the major / minor repair internally and externally hence Internal / external seepage problems are persistent. They are not understanding that redevelopment process is time consuming process.

The resolution for the major repair was passed in the AGM. 11 buildings are repaired twice with contribution of individual members of the building in 1993 and in the year 2005-2006.

However my building was repaired once in the year 1993. Since 22 years are passed away without any minor/major repair internally / externally by the members.

As per Bye laws, It is duty of M.C. as well as members of the Bldg. should adhere to the passed resolution of repairs. However managing committee neither utilizing their authority power & forcing the members for the repair or generating Bills for collection of amount for  major repair of the building.

I request you to help me and inform me how to solve the problem. I am alone fighting for the repair of bldg. ,no occupant backing me. Please help me and advice me.

I C Naik

Dear Mrs Borkar,

Making a complaint to the District Consumer Protection Court that the Society is deficient in providing service to thee members can get a faster relief. The Consumer Court can give directions to the Committee to take steps immediately. You can also write to the Assistant Municipal Commissioner of Your Ward and even can personally meet and present a memorandum to issue orders to the Committee. You can do both if possible.


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