Krishnadas Menon
In Previous year AGM 2013, Society passed a resolution regarding certain subject with the support of majority. In current year-2014 when AGM notice issued, one of the members has given a letter to the society requesting inclusion of one of the passed subjects of the previous year which have to discussed again in the current AGM.
Do we have to include the subject in agenda if a member gives a letter before AGM or he has to get the majority to call for SGM to discuss the same?
By I C Naik
If the matter the member desires the AGM to discuss if not a matter requiring prior Notice of the business to be taken up he can simply request to take this up. If the Chairman is satisfied about the necessity of taking up that business he should certainly permit discussion.
But there is no way to force the discussion unless Special General Meeting is requisitioned by 1/5 members signing the requisition mentioning the agenda for at that meeting only that agenda can be discussed as was mentioned in the requisition. No permission of the Chairman can be sought for any other business after the Notice is issued.
Dear Sir,
My name is Arjun Pal and I am an intern in a firm called MKA Associates in Mumbai, Maharashtra. I am a first year law student and hence the Partner of the firm, under whom I’m interning had assigned me the work of doing research and delivering judgement in the case of the Veerashaiva Co-Operative Bank in Mumbai. This Bank had gone into liquidation due to certain misfeasance done by its directors. One of these Directors is my firm’s client and hence I am supposed to provide my boss with certain info which will be helpful for our client. Therefore, I was asked to research on cases similar to this case. After searching on Manupatra or SCC Online, unfortunately I had come across very few cases. Hence Sir can you please help me find other cases that are similar to the case I am handling. This case comes under the Maharashtra Co-Operative Societies Act 1960. Your quick help will be aappreciated.
Thanks and Regards
Arjun Pal
PS; Wishing you a very happy new year ! do not undertake any researvh nor does it entertains question of research. We guide the members to solve their problems in cooperative Societies