P Raghavan
I have come across many articles of Cooperative Housing societies which is very useful to our day to day society activities. I would like to request you to provide some information about the appointment of Election Commissioner for cooperative society as per the new amendment in MCS Act.
Our society is having more than 100 members and it is based at Malad west on the link Road. The present Managing Committee’s 5 year term expired on 5th August 2013. Our society also in the process of Redevelopment of our building as it is more than 35 years old and in dilapidated conditions.
Sir, if you have the new Election rules framed by the Election Authority department after the new amendment kindly forward me one copy of the same.
I C Naik
According to a newspaper report Maharashtra Government is planning to install Elections Authority soon and hold elections before 31 12 2013. As per the same report Societies whose committee tenure of 5 years have expired should not hold elections and old committee should continue as a care taker Committee without taking major decisions. This report can be relied upon.