When Sunil was ready with shawl and mementoes

Biscomaun Chairman Sunil Singh proved smart once again by being the first cooperator to felicitate the newly elected President and two Vice-Presidents of ICA Asia-Pacific on Friday in Ashoka Hotel in Delhi.

Prepared with mementoes and shawls beforehand he lost no chance in rushing to stage and honouring the newly elected functionaries. It got him all the media attention with NCUI President Chandra Pal introducing him to foreign guests as a true cooperator.

“I knew Chandra Palji is going to win and thus this preparation,” Sunil said to this correspondent. “Not only that, there were only two people who helped Indian delegates cast their votes through computers; Tarun Bharagava helped in casting the votes of IFFCO and myself the remaining votes with the sole exception of B K Mishra who casttarun-bhargava his vote himself, “said Sunil explaining the complicated process of electronic voting used this time in the ICA A-P elections.

Among many of Chandra Pal’s trusted allies Biscomaun Chairman had been most active for the last four days campaigning for him.” I always treat him as my elder brother and I came in the election mode as soon as I landed in Delhi,” said Sunil underlining with a faint mischievous smile that he belongs to a state (Bihar) notorious for election readiness.

Readers would note that in the recently concluded election of ICA Asia-Pacific while Li Chunsheng was elected President, Chandra Pal Singh Yadav and Ms Chitose Arai of Japan as Vice-Presidents. Yadav got record votes -149 out of 190.

Analysts say all the countries including China and Japan voted for Yadav with the sole exception of Indonesia and Malaysia.


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