VAMNICOM launches Anti-ragging Week

VAMNICOM commenced its Anti-Ragging Week today with a powerful address by Director Dr. Hema Yadav, emphasizing the critical importance of maintaining a ragging-free campus. The week-long event, running from August 12th to 18th, aims to reinforce the institute’s commitment to creating a safe and supportive environment for all students.

In her speech, Dr. Yadav urged the entire campus community to uphold the values of respect, kindness, and cooperation. She highlighted the collective responsibility of students, faculty, and staff to stand united against ragging and ensure that VAMNICOM remains a place where everyone feels secure.

The Anti-Ragging Week activities are part of the institute’s ongoing efforts to foster a culture of mutual respect and inclusivity, encouraging all students to contribute to a positive campus experience.

The campaign is supported by the #YaARIYouthAgainstRagging initiative, reinforcing the message that together, we can create a campus environment where everyone thrives without fear.

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