Vamnicom celebrates Yoga Day with Hema in the lead

Led by Director Ms Hema Yadav, Vamnicom celebrated the International Yoga Day wherein scores of faculties and trainees took part. Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management observes the day every year, claimed a release mailed by the Institute.

The event commenced with an opening remark by Dr Hema Yadav and several functionaries including the Registrar, Assistant Registrar, Faculty members, office staff, students and the prominent yoga experts were present.

The event included Prayer, Loosening practices, Yoga asanas, Kriya, Pranayama, Dhyana, Sankalpa and Shanthi Mantra.The event aimed to promote the practice of yoga among students, staff, and the wider community, highlighting the physical and mental benefits of yoga.

The celebration was meticulously planned and organized by a dedicated team consisting of faculty members, administrative staff, and student volunteers. The team was responsible for coordinating logistics, inviting expert yoga instructors, arranging the venue, and promoting the event within the institute and the local community.

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