The Maharashtra State Cooperative (MSC) Bank is set to witness a momentous occasion on Monday as Union Minister of State for Cooperation Muralidhar Mohol inaugurates a series of significant initiatives by the bank.
Talking to the Indian Cooperative, the main organiser of the event as well as MSC Bank’s administrative board Chairman Vidyadhar Anaskar said, “The event will feature the unveiling of the bank’s new logo, the grand Sahakar Gallery, a thematic flag, and MSC Bank’s official theme song”.
The Sahakar Gallery, a unique initiative, showcases the rich history and contributions of Maharashtra’s cooperative movement, underscoring its pivotal role in shaping the state’s economy and society.
This landmark event signifies a major milestone in the bank’s journey, celebrating its legacy while embracing its aspirations for the future.
Maharashtra’s Cooperation Minister, Babasaheb Patil, State Minister for Cooperation, Dr. Pankaj Bhoyar, and prominent leaders such as Pravin Darekar and Anandrao Adsul will also attend the event, highlighting its importance within the cooperative fraternity.
The unveiling of the bank’s refreshed logo represents a modern and forward-thinking identity. Meanwhile, the thematic flag and theme song reflect MSC Bank’s commitment to innovation, growth, and its steadfast adherence to cooperative values.
Senior officials, board members, and stakeholders from the cooperative sector are expected to participate in the event, which will take place at the MSC Bank headquarters.