Rajasthan launches State Co-op Gopal Credit Card

Rajasthan State Cooperation Minister Gautam Kumar Dak launched the State Cooperative Gopal Credit Card Loan Scheme Portal recently.

The objective is to provide interest-free short-term loans of up to one lakh rupees for a period of one year to cowherd farmer families residing in the rural areas of Rajasthan.

While inaugurating the portal, Dak mentioned that to ensure transparency in loan distribution and to make the loan application process convenient for livestock-owning farmer families, the entire procedure from application to approval will be conducted online.

“Farmers can apply for the loan through e-Mitra centers or the respective village service cooperative society. It is mandatory for the farmer to be a member of the primary milk producer cooperative society to avail of this loan”, Dak said.

In collaboration with milk unions and central cooperative banks, camps will be organized to provide loans to as many livestock-owning farmers as possible under the Gopal Credit Card Scheme.

The event was attended by Ms. Shuchi Tyagi, Secretary of the Cooperative Department, Ms. Archana Singh, Registrar of Cooperatives, Ms. Sushma Arora, Managing Director of RCDF, Mr. Rajeev Lochan Sharma, Additional Registrar, Mr. Sanjay Pathak, Managing Director of Apex Bank, along with other officials from the Cooperative Department, RCDF, and the Department of Information Technology and Communication.

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