Pune People’s Co-op Bank: Ranadive re-elected Chairman

Janardhan Ranadive has been unanimously elected again as the Chairman of Pune People’s Cooperative Bank whereas Ramesh Sonawane elected as its deputy, in an election held last week.

Ranadive, a chartered accountant by profession and associated with the bank since long whereas Sonawane, a medical practitioner, has been active in the co-operative sector for the past 17 years.

Pune People’s Co-op Bank is one of Maharashtra’s leading multi-state co-operative banks, having a business mix of more than Rs 2400 crore with 21 branches.

The bank recently held its 73rd Annual General Meeting, where it announced a 12.50 percent dividend to shareholders for the financial year 2023-24. The bank also announced plans to introduce the UPI Lite system soon.

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