Promoting innovations: NCCF signs MoU with NRDC

The consumer cooperative-NCCF signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Research Development Corporation (NRDC).

It was signed between the NCCF MD Anice Joseph Chandra and NRDC Commodore Cmde Amit Rastogi in the presence of other officials of both the organizations.

The news was shared by the official’s ‘X’ handle of NCCF.

NCCF, as an organization to promote the consumer cooperative movement in the country, aspires to facilitate the voluntary formation and democratic functioning of cooperatives, based on self-reliance and mutual aid for overall economic betterment and financial autonomy.

Whereas, National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) was established in 1953 by the Government of India, with the primary objective to promote, develop and commercialize technologies / know-how / inventions / patents / processes originating from various national R&D institutions / Universities.

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