Plant trees to save environment: IFFCO MD

Underscoring the need to plant trees IFFCO MD Dr U S Awasthi and his wife Mrs Rekha Awasthi planted trees in IFFCO unit Kandla on the occasion of their visit to the plant. MD reminded his team of the need to plant trees to save environment.

Dr. U S Awasthi tweeted “We should Plant trees to SaveOur #Environment. I planted 1 in #Kandla unit. All #IFFCO plants r covered vid greenery.”

Announcing about his wife’s efforts to save the environment MD tweeted “@awsathi_rekha also planted a tree at #IFFCO Udaynagar. Let’s encourage ppl 2 plant trees 2save #earth & #environment.”

The visit by MD was aimed at overseeing the overall performance of Kandla as he said in a tweet” Meeting senior management & officials of #IFFCO #Kandla Unit. Brainstorming 4 new innovative ideas & plant operations.”

In his trip to IFFCO Udaynagar Dr Awasthi inaugurated Rain Water Harvesting system aimed at saving water andrekha wasthi energy. He underlined the importance of water harvesting for ecology and environment.

The MD of the largest farmers’ cooperative had fruitful discussions with the officers’ union and held them crucial to the success of the organization as reflected in his tweet” With representatives of Union & Officer Association who are pillars of any unit. A fruitful discussion 4 organisation.”


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