NDDB busy in rehabilitation of retired officials?

One of the goals of NDDB is to strengthen farmer cooperatives through measures like providing funds and guidance to farmers to enhance their livelihood. But its track record has to more to do with rehabilitation of senior retired officials than focusing on dairy farmers, say media reports.

The oft repeated charge has been that NDDB has been ensuring the welfare of its retired senior executives through its subsidiary NDDB Dairy Services (NDS) providing funds for their jobs with the same benefits that they received before retirement.

Sources say, for example, one of the retired NDDB managing directors was made director of a leading milk organization in 2000 who left the post for a while in 2015 but only to regain it soon. It is scandalous that this man holds the same position even today. Such cases of post-retirement rehabilitation of senior retired officials by NDDB are many, assert the sources.

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