NCUI: NCCE trains Trainers within co-op sector

The National Centre for Cooperative Education (NCCE) recently concluded a five-day Training of Trainers program, held from September 9 to 13, 2024, aimed at enhancing the skills of trainers within the cooperative sector. The program saw the participation of 46 individuals from various states, including Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Sikkim, and Madhya Pradesh.

The intensive training included interactive sessions and modules focused on leadership, communication, and modern training techniques. Participants had the opportunity to explore best practices and innovative strategies to improve their effectiveness as trainers in their respective organizations.

Savitri Singh, Deputy Chief Executive of NCUI, warmly welcomed the participants and emphasized the importance of continuous professional development. She urged the attendees to actively engage in discussions, exchange ideas, and use the networking opportunities provided by the program to maximize their learning experience.

The Training of Trainers program was designed to strengthen the capabilities of cooperative sector trainers, equipping them with the skills needed to lead and innovate in their fields.

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