NCUI GC meets today; AGM date & Ahir’s entry on Agenda

The Governing Council of NCUI is meeting today, Wednesday, to discuss various issues, including setting the date for the AGM and considering the entry of Jethabhai Ahir as the representative from NAFED on the NCUI board.

The board will finalize the date, time, and venue of the annual general body meeting.

Another important issue is the entry of Jethabhai Ahir as the representative from NAFED on the GC, replacing Bijendra Singh, the former Chairman of NAFED. Bijendra Singh will continue on the board as a representative of the Delhi State Cooperative Bank.

The GC will also discuss and approve the revised budget for 2024-25 and the budget estimates for 2025-26, as per the agenda note. Other agenda items include reviewing applications for NCUI membership and considering time-related amendments to NCUI’s bye-laws.

One issue not on the agenda but likely to be raised is the future of the Cooperative Education Field Projects. Since the Ministry took custody of the Education Fund, NCUI has yet to formulate its response.

Meanwhile, several Field Project members are protesting outside NCUI headquarters in Delhi, seeking justice.

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