NCUI aims to train PACS & Housing co-op leaders in Maharashtra

The National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI), the apex body for cooperatives, is set to initiate a pilot project in Maharashtra aimed at training the leaders of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) and housing cooperatives.

A preparatory meeting for this initiative was recently held in the NCUI boardroom, under the combined auspices of the Maharashtra Institution for Transformation (MITRA) and NCUI, with NCUI President Dileep Sanghani presiding.

The discussions focused on implementing training programs for 20,930 PACS leaders and 115,172 housing cooperative leaders in Maharashtra as a pilot project.

NCUI has developed specialized training modules for the PACS and housing sectors, while MITRA will supplement these with soft skills training modules.

The training programs are planned to be delivered both online and offline, coordinated by the Maharashtra State Cooperative Union and its 13 affiliated junior cooperative training centers.

Prominent attendees included Praveen Pardeshi, former Chief Secretary of the Maharashtra Government and CEO of MITRA; Deepak Taware, Commissioner of Cooperation and Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Maharashtra; Dr. Sudhir Mahajan, CEO of NCUI; Deputy CEO Savitri Singh, Ved Prakash Setia, and Ritesh Dey, Executive Directors, among others.

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