NCDC official visits Vamnicom; assess its training facilities

Rohit Gupta, Deputy Managing Director of the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC), visited the Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management (VAMNICOM) recently to assess its training facilities and activities.

Accompanied by Col. Vinit Narayan, Regional Director of NCDC, Pune, Gupta’s visit focused on enhancing the cooperative training delivery process offered by the institute. Upon arrival, Gupta was warmly welcomed by Professor R. K. Menon, who presented him with a bouquet and the 2024-25 calendar of training programs.

Dr. A. K. Asthana, Associate Professor and Registrar, followed with a presentation highlighting VAMNICOM’s activities, including its infrastructure, research and development initiatives, and notable achievements. The presentation emphasized expanding outreach to more cooperative societies through VAMNICOM’s seven centers.

Gupta expressed his appreciation for the institute’s accomplishments, particularly the 100% placement record of the Post Graduate Diploma in Management – Agri-Business Management (PGDM-ABM) program. He also showed interest in the Incubation Centre and its various initiatives.

“The visit further explored potential collaboration between NCDC and VAMNICOM in the State of Maharashtra. Gupta was given a tour of the campus, showcasing the infrastructure supporting cooperative training and the PGDM program. The tour also included a visit to the International Hostel, which will accommodate participants from abroad”, read a press release mailed by the VAMNICOM.

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