NCDC holds award ceremonies in Port Blair & TN

In a significant recognition of the cooperative sector’s contribution to development, the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) recently held award ceremonies in Port Blair and Thiruvananthapuram to honour outstanding cooperative societies.

In Port Blair, the ceremony took place on June 24, 2024, at the RCS Office Conference Hall. The Seamen Cooperative Society Ltd. and the Jagrook Security Service Cooperative Society Ltd. were presented with the Excellence-2023 awards by Ms. Nandini Maharaj, Special Secretary (Cooperation)-cum-RCS.

Each society received a cash prize of Rs 25,000. The event was well-attended by dignitaries including Shri Vikram Singh, Ms. Archana Singh from NABARD, and several regional directors and assistant directors from NCDC.

Meanwhile, in Thiruvananthapuram, the NCDC Regional Awards for Cooperative Excellence and Merit-2023 were distributed by Cooperation Minister V N Vasavan at the Institute Of Co-Operative Management.

The Okkal Service Cooperative Bank Ltd emerged as the winner of the ‘Best Primary Credit Cooperative Society’, with other awards going to cooperative societies excelling in various sectors such as women’s initiatives, service sectors, and support for weaker sections. Notable attendees included Rathan U Kelkar, Secretary of the Cooperative Department, and T V Subhash, Registrar of Cooperative Societies.

These events underscore the pivotal role cooperatives play in fostering community development and economic growth, reinforcing their value across multiple sectors within the nation.

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