Giving a reply on the recommendations of the standing committee on development of National Level Data Repository of Cooperative Societies, the Minister of Cooperation has said that it has initiated the process of developing National Cooperative Database for about 8.5 lakh cooperative societies working in various sectors across the country”.
“Under Phase-I, the mapping of about 2.64 lakh cooperative societies operating in three sectors – PACS, Dairy and Fisheries has been completed. The mapping of remaining 5.8 lakh cooperatives working in various sectors is in progress”, the MoC replied.
It bears recalling that the committee in its 56th report recommended the Ministry to pursue the matter pertaining to the National Cooperative Database with all sincerity and vigor. They desire that the progress made in this regard be apprised to the Committee.
The Action Taken Notes on the Report of standing committee were received on 15.06.2023.