Mahadik retains control on sugar co-op

Web India reports the panel led by Chairman Mahadevrao Mahadik retained its control over Shree Chhatrapati Rajaram Cooperative Sugar factory, in a bitterly fought election.

About 38 candidates of both panels were in the election fray for 19 seats of board of directors of sugar factory. The Mahadik panel won all 19 seats with majority votes and defeated opposition ‘Parivartan’ panel led by Satej Patil.

Mr Mahadik is a Congress MCL, while Mr Patil who is staunch opponent of Mr Mahadik is a Congress leader and former state minister.

A total of 90.26 per cent voters from total 12,488 voters had exercised their franchise at 56 polling centres at various tehsil places in sugar factory area, including Karvir, Hatkanangale, Kagal, Radhanagari, Gaganbavda, Panhala and Kolhapur city.


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